stepping in again

So this is me stepping in again. God, I missed blogging! Tell me you missed my writing too. No twisting of arms, I promise. Just tell me you missed my writing. Hahaha!

First things first. Yep, new domain! It wasn't an easy decision leaving atasteofapple behind but yeah, in the end I had to. I already explained myself in my last post so if you're a curious cat just click on the link and read on.

So what better way to end your blogging hiatus than to give a life update, right? Let me begin then. I'm back in the corporate world for more than a year now. Let me just say this, ang bilis ng panahon! Before I quit blogging, I was just talking about job hunting and now I've been here for more than a year already. Before I knew it, I'll be celebrating another work anniversary. 

Speaking of bilis ng panahon, it seems just like yesterday when I was feeling all bummed out about turning 30 and now I'm turning 31! It's July once again and it's my month of aging but unlike last year, I'm feeling a lot better this time. Acceptance is the key, folks! Tanggapin na lang natin na tumatanda na tayo. Haha! But seriously, I guess I'm just in a good place now so it's easier to accept that I'm actually getting older (and older). I'm at that point where I feel like things are falling into place and honestly, it's been a while since I felt like this. So yeah, Happy 31st Birthday to me! :)

Also, I've been meaning to breathe a new life to my brainchild (my online shop, that is!) and there's no other perfect time to re-brand but on my birthday. I've been cooking something up since the last two weeks and I can't wait for things to unfold. This is one thing that gets me really giddy. I'm not a perpetually positive person but this time around, something tells me this would work out. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. You can keep yours crossed too so we don't jinx anything. Haha!

Aside from work and my itty bitty business, I've been busy with family too. If you know me personally or you happen to be a reader, you'd know that family is my core. We've been busy spending special occasions together and we even went to Baguio last May. So you know what's gonna happen next. Yep, I'll be flooding this blog with my family's faces and photos from Baguio too. Haha! What's new anyway? That's the drill, right?

For now, we'd have to end here as I haven't eaten dinner yet. Hopefully, I'll be back real soon and be a good blogger like I once was. 

Stepping in Again,

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